40 Minute Full Body HIIT

40 min Full body HIIT

set a timer for 5 sets of 3 rounds :45 seconds on and :10 seconds off

3 rounds— :45 sec each :10 sec rest

renegade row

alternating fast shoulder press

:30 second rest 

3 rounds— :45 sec each :10 sec rest

Burpee with a curl

alternating curtsy with 2 pulses at bottom

3 rounds— :45 sec each :10 sec rest

alternating side lunge dumbbell pass

deadlift cleans

3 rounds— :45 sec each :10 sec rest

kickstand squat press right

kickstand squat press left

3 rounds— :45 sec each :10 sec rest

Dumbbell hike swings

leg levers with a press

Halo rairses

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Taylor Merritt