22 Healthy Snack Box Ideas You and Your Kids Will Love

Today I wanted to share with you some of my go-to healthy snacks/lunches that I pack regularly for the kids and myself; they’re perfect for park days, school, work or even just to keep on hand to munch on-the-go.

When you plan ahead, like what you do or should do with your meals, it is important to factor in healthy nutritious snacks too. When you do this, you can guarantee that you have a healthy options on hand for you and the family. This helps so you don’t have to buy something when you’re out which usually ends up being fast-food or a vending machine. It doesn’t need to be “fancy” or “time-consuming”. With a little inspiration and the right tools, you can up your snack game and keep yourself and the family feeling good!

To start, you can see in the photos, I am using a “bento Box” for making these snacks as well as a baby food silicon storage container! (So glad to find another use for these since I didn’t make baby food this time around and did Baby Led Weaning). I love using these fun containers because, they are not only reusable and good for the environment, but the kids love them and they make packing and clean up simple.

To make a balanced snack, plan for more than one of the macronutrients- carbohydrate, fat, and protein. I recommend to focus on including a balance of different foods which will help you feel full and satisfied. For example, I will include a handful of fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds and something like hummus. 

We put these snack boxes together in a matter of minutes. They’re packed full of fresh, vibrant food that they’ll actually eat. A huge tip that I love to share is to change up the way you present the food to your kiddos. This can mean changing the container you use, the way you cut the fruit, veggies or sandwich and rotating the types of foods you include. I also always throw in cuties (clementines) into our lunch box to bring too!.

If you’re on the hunt for more snack or lunch ideas, give these a try! You can easily customize them if you have picky eaters. Fill your boxes with your kid’s favorite veggies. They can help grab items from the fridge, wash them and cut them (if they’re old enough). Then can have them arrange them in their fun lunch boxes!

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