Tips for Staying on Track While Traveling
My Go-To Healthy Travel Snacks
Some sort of nut mix, a protein bar and a piece of fruit. Of course my water bottle to fill when I get in the airport!
Whether it is the holiday season, spring break, a work trip or just a trip for fun—traveling happens and it can throw us all off our routines.
Have you ever been on a trip where you completely ditch your fitness routine? A trip where you ate everything in sight? When you get home you have that overwhelming feeling of “starting over” and feeling so guilty?
Let me tell you, You are not alone!
Traveling is notorious for throwing us off our “normal” routines. We are out of our element, away from our gyms and our kitchens where we are working tirelessly to stay on track with our goals.
I actually just got back from a quick trip for my best friends wedding this past weekend, if you follow me on instagram (@sweatyasamother) you might have seen on my story a few of my favorite snacks and tips for staying moving while traveling!
I have a challenge for you 💪🏼
I challenge you that the next time you travel —or have guests in town—you make a commitment to yourself to make at least 30 minutes every other day to exercise. Whether you’re traveling for work or pleasure—try to stay disciplined even when you don’t feel the motivation.
Make a reminder in your phone, send yourself a text, do whatever it takes, but don’t take no for an answer. You might need to wake up early to fit it in or you might need to stay up a little later at night.
I promise, You won’t regret it.
If you are able to keep up your routine, even just little bit while traveling, you’ll be able to come back to without skipping a beat, feeling guilty and overwhelmed !
Try and remind yourself how good you feel —mentally and physically— when you are sticking to your workout regimen and nutrition plan. Do you really want to let that go?
Here are a few of my favorite travel tips to help you stay on track:
Look for a hotel that has a gym, a place around town where you can workout for the week or worst case you can workout in your room or map out an area where you can run to a park to do a quick workout. (Hotel room workout below) plan ahead!
Make time for your workouts. Schedule them in just like you do back home. If the only time is early morning , make it happen! I know you’re thinking “Okay Taylor you’re crazy I’m on vacation and don’t want to wake up early...” Well carve out time mid day or afternoon before the day gets away from you! I promise you won’t regret it. You’ll thank me later.
Bring healthy snacks and an empty water bottle to fill up. When you get there, grocery shop if possible so there are healthy options around. When going out look ahead at the menu and scope out the healthiest option (I go for lean protein and veggies or a salad with a vinaigrette link to insta post ) here are some of my favorite snacks
Remember it’s okay to have days where you eat out and take rest days! but going a whole week is not a good idea! Don’t get down on yourself for taking a day off and enjoying your favorite meal— just remember balance is key 💪🏼
Sleep sleep sleep. Traveling not only gets us off our normal workout and eating routines, but also our sleep routines. Try and get yourself to bed at a reasonable hour, because getting enough sleep will help keep your hormones in check and you feeling great. If you can (because I struggle with this) sleep on the plane, train or if you’re the passenger, in the car if you’ve lost sleep over the trip.
Check out these other travel blog posts : Traveling with kids and all of my “must have’s” for flying with kiddos.
This week I am including a Bonus workout! It is the perfect workout for anyone stuck at home or in a hotel with no gym! Heck, if you are sitting at work right now, set a timer and start the workout ;-)
Always start with a warm-up. If you train with me you know I always have you doing some kind of a warmup! If you need an idea try Starting with 50 jumping jacks, 50 body weight squats, 10 push ups, 10 lunges each leg, 50 jumping jacks.
For the workout – you will be doing a 15 minute AMRAP. What is an AMRAP? — the letters stand for “as many rounds as possible” so you will set a timer for 15 mins and do as many full circuits as possible in that time.
Below you will see three different level workouts – 1 for beginners and then levels 2 and 3 are more “advanced”.
To make it the best workout I recommend doing each exercise, one after another, without stopping if possible. If you need to stop between exercises or even in the middle of the set, it’s okay, just try and start back up as soon as you can.
Feel free to share this workout and let me know how it goes! (I am working on videos of each of these are hope to have them by next week)
Try this workout while traveling, in a hotel room or at a friends house. You do not need any weights just you and a table or bed. Even get creative with using your suitcase as a weight.
why traveling and spending time without your kids and as a couple is so important and why you shouldn’t feel guilty :-)